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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Elijah Yarpah Elijah Yarpah

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Demographic Information Mr. X is a 35-year-old Caucasian male patient experiencing poor attention to detail, frequent mistakes, and difficulty maintaining attention and focus. The patient often appears not to listen when spoken to and has poor follow-through on tasks. Additionally, he exhibits hyperactive behaviors and an inability to stay seated, keep still, or remain quiet. He is 3 excessively talkative. Today, he is here for a follow-up and medication management appointment. Mr. X's medical history reveals that his mother has been diagnosed with ADHD, and he mentioned that his father displayed similar ADHD characteristics and depression, although undiagnosed. Again, he mentioned that he is a marketing manager who works in a high pressure environment with demanding expectations and attention to detail. However, considering the intensity and duration of Mr. X’s symptoms, such as attention difficulties, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, Salvi et al. (2019) confirmed that the provisional diagnosis for the patient is ADHD.

Assessment of School Experiences, Work Experiences, and Interpersonal Relationships

Meet Mr. X, a 35-year-old individual diagnosed with ADHD, in the assessment of school experiences, work experiences, and interpersonal relationships. Mr. X has had ADHD symptoms since childhood, including difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Mr. X attended school in the urban area, giving him adequate resources to manage his condition. Mr. X revealed how his ADHD has affected his school, work, and interpersonal relationships. Mr. X struggled to maintain focus and attention throughout his school life in elementary, high school, and college. He frequently struggled to stay organized and complete assignments on time. Simple tasks like listening to the teacher or taking notes were complex for him because he was easily distracted. As a result, his academic performance suffered, resulting in lower grades than his potential. Mr. X’s ADHD symptoms hampered his ability to engage in the learning process despite his full intelligence. According to Mr. X, he faced similar challenges in his professional life due to ADHD symptoms. He frequently struggled to stay on task and manage his time effectively, typical signs of ADHD (Weibel et al., 2020). Prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines were frequently tricky, resulting in increased stress. Mr. X also struggled with impulsive workplace behaviors, such as blurting out answers in meetings or interrupting 4 colleagues during discussions. These behaviors occasionally caused misunderstandings and strained relationships with coworkers or supervisors. Mr. X’s interpersonal relationships suffered because of his ADHD symptoms. He frequently found it difficult to maintain sustained attention during conversations, making him appear inattentive or disinterested when others spoke. This behavior occasionally frustrates or hurts friends, family, and romantic partners.

Furthermore, impulsivity and hyperactivity may result in social awkwardness or interrupting others (Weibel et al., 2020). These impulse control issues have occasionally strained relationships, as others may perceive Mr. X’s behavior as disrespectful or careless. Assessments such as self-report questionnaires, interviews, and observations can be used better to understand Mr. X’s experiences in these domains (Dulcan, 2022). These tests can assist in identifying specific challenges associated with ADHD symptoms in school, work, and interpersonal settings. Interventions and strategies can be put in place to help individuals like Mr. X thrive in these areas. Preferential seating or assistive technology could help improve attention and task completion in school (Mosher et al., 2022). Time management techniques, organizational strategies, and open communication with coworkers can all help with productivity and relationship-building in the workplace (Dulcan, 2022). Furthermore, developing coping mechanisms and practicing mindfulness can aid in managing impulsivity in interpersonal relationships. Individuals like Mr. X can gain the necessary support and tools to overcome challenges and achieve success in their personal and professional lives by acknowledging and addressing the impact of ADHD on school experiences, work experiences, and interpersonal relationships.

Effect on Client and Treatment History

Indeed, let us use an example to examine the effects of ADHD on an individual and his 5 treatment history. Mr. X’s ADHD has made it challenging to maintain focus and attention, resulting in academic difficulties. He frequently found it difficult to focus on lectures or complete assignments without becoming easily distracted. As a result, grades suffered, as did feelings of frustration and self-doubt. Mr. X’s ADHD symptoms have hampered his work productivity and time management skills. He frequently struggled to stay organized and meet deadlines, increasing stress and potential performance issues.

Furthermore, his impulsivity and hyperactivity made it difficult for him to remain engaged during meetings or discussions, resulting in strained relationships with coworkers. Mr. X’s personal life has also been affected by ADHD. He struggles to actively listen during conversations, leading to misunderstandings or making him appear uninterested in others. Impulsivity can lead to disruptions or inappropriate reactions, harming friendships or romantic relationships (Chamberlain & Grant, 2019). Mr. X’s ADHD treatment journey began at a young age. He and his parents initially sought a comprehensive evaluation from an ADHD-specialized healthcare professional. Mr. X’s diagnosis was confirmed due to the evaluation, which laid the groundwork for his treatment plan. His treatment plan was most likely a combination of interventions. To help manage his ADHD symptoms, psychostimulant medication such as methylphenidate was prescribed 10 mg twice per day. Methylphenidate improves focus, attention, and impulse control (Jaeschke et al., 2021). His healthcare provider closely monitored Mr. X’s medication, considered potential side effects, and adjusted dosages as needed.

Furthermore, behavioral therapy strategies were implemented to address specific ADHD challenges. Such strategies include organizational skills training, time management techniques, and cognitive-behavioral interventions to improve attention and self-regulation (Dulcan, 2022). Additionally, educational accommodations, such as extra time on tests or preferential seating, 6 may have been implemented to aid Mr. X’s academic success. Mr. X and his treatment team evaluated his progress regularly and adjusted the treatment plan as needed. Assessments included self-report questionnaires, feedback from teachers and employers, and discussions about ongoing challenges.

It should be noted that ADHD treatment plans are highly individualized, and what works best for one person may not work for another. Mr. X’s treatment history demonstrates how to address the effects of ADHD on various aspects of life. Medication, therapy, and educational accommodations can be used (Dulcan, 2022). Individuals with ADHD must work closely with healthcare professionals to determine the most effective treatment approach and to constantly monitor and adapt their strategies as they navigate academic, work, and personal settings. Several frameworks are applicable in providing care for individuals with ADHD regarding a nursing theoretical framework that guides client care. The Neuman systems model is a well known nursing theoretical framework. Neuman's framework emphasizes the client’s dynamic interaction with their environment and how disturbances in their system can lead to health related issues (Vanaki & Rafiei, 2020). The Neuman systems model identifies stressors and develops interventions to help clients strengthen their natural defense mechanisms and promote overall well-being (Vanaki & Rafiei, 2020). The model emphasizes the importance of assessing and addressing the client’s physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental factors. Nurses can use the Neuman systems model to assess the client’s stressors, such as academic or occupational demands, interpersonal relationships, and self-concept issues, and then develop interventions to reduce stress, improve coping mechanisms, promote self-care, and improve the overall quality of life (Vanaki & Rafiei, 2020). Remembering that the nursing 7 theoretical framework chosen can be used to help Mr. X’s specific needs is critical.

Treatment Outcomes

ADHD treatment outcomes can vary from person to person. Individuals like Mr. X, on the other hand, can often experience significant improvement in their symptoms and overall functioning with appropriate intervention and management. Managing and reducing the core symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity is one of the primary goals of ADHD treatment (Dulcan, 2022). With the proper medication and therapy, Mr. X might notice a significant reduction in these symptoms, allowing for improved focus, attention, and impulse control. Effective treatment can improve academic and occupational performance. With improved focus and attention, Mr. X might find learning and completing tasks easier. Improved time management and organizational skills can also increase productivity and success in educational and professional settings.

ADHD treatment can have a positive effect on interpersonal relationships. Individuals like Mr. X can develop self-control by addressing impulsivity, allowing for more thoughtful and appropriate social interactions. Improved attention and focus can also help him listen and participate more actively in conversations, allowing him to form more robust and meaningful connections with others. Managing ADHD symptoms has been shown to improve an individual’s emotional well-being. Individuals like Mr. X might experience less frustration, anxiety, and irritability if he has better control over impulsive behavior and improved attention. This can contribute to a greater sense of emotional stability and well-being overall. Treatment can improve an individual’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Individuals may experience increased feelings of competence, accomplishment, and self-worth as ADHD symptoms are managed. This 8 can motivate them to pursue their goals, overcome obstacles, and improve their self-esteem. It is important to note that individual factors such as the severity of ADHD symptoms, the effectiveness of treatment interventions, and the individual’s commitment to implementing strategies learned in therapy can all influence treatment outcomes. Open and ongoing communication with healthcare professionals, as well as regular evaluation of treatment effectiveness and adjustments as needed, can all aid in achieving the best possible outcomes.

Legal and Ethical Issues

In terms of legal and ethical concerns, privacy and confidentiality are critical. It is critical to protect Mr. X’s personal and medical information. Healthcare providers must follow relevant privacy laws and regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Any disclosure of Mr. X’s sensitive information should be done with proper consent and following legal and ethical requirements. Mr. X may be entitled to reasonable accommodations in educational and workplace settings under disability laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States. It is critical that Mr. X not face discrimination because of his ADHD diagnosis. Employers and educational institutions should know their legal responsibilities and make reasonable accommodations to meet Mr. X’s needs. Obtaining informed consent from Mr. X or his legal guardian is critical before engaging in any medical or therapeutic interventions. Informed consent entails providing detailed information about the nature of the treatment, its potential benefits and risks, and alternative treatment options (Agozzino et al., 2019). Mr. X should be able to comprehend and make independent decisions about his treatment. Healthcare professionals who treat individuals with ADHD, such as therapists, psychiatrists, and psychologists, must follow professional ethical guidelines. Maintaining competence in their field, participating in ongoing professional development, and 9 providing evidence-based interventions are all part of legal competence. Healthcare professionals must act in their patient’s best interests and avoid conflicts of interest (Dulcan, 2022). When treating Mr. X, it is critical to consider cultural factors and individual differences. Different cultural perspectives on ADHD and treatment approaches may exist. Healthcare providers should know cultural beliefs, values, and practices and collaborate with Mr. X to develop culturally responsive and effective treatment strategies. Collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals, educators, and employers are critical to providing Mr. X with comprehensive care and support. This includes sharing relevant information, developing appropriate intervention plans, and maintaining open channels of dialogue and feedback between all parties involved. Indeed, it is crucial to remember that legal and ethical issues may differ depending on jurisdiction, specific circumstances, and applicable laws. Mr. X, his legal guardian, and healthcare professionals must consult legal experts and follow applicable laws and regulations to appropriately navigate legal and ethical challenges. Overall, this paper evaluated the experiences of an individual with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in school, work, and interpersonal relationships. We also examined the impact of the individual’s school location on their care plan and access to community-based resources. The paper further analyzed the individual’s work experiences before diagnosis, including difficulties maintaining employment and disciplinary actions. Additionally, we investigated the individual’s self-concept and self-esteem before they were diagnosed with ADHD. We included a detailed explanation of the changes observed after adequate treatment and outlines the individual’s trajectory since their diagnosis and successful treatment. A nursing theoretical framework guided the individual’s care, and legal, ethical, cultural, and diversity considerations were also discussed.


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Chamberlain, S. R., & Grant, J. E. (2019). Relationship between quality of life in young adults and impulsivity/compulsivity. Psychiatry Research, 271, 253–258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2018.11.059

Dulcan, M. K. (2022). Dulcan’s textbook of child and adolescent psychiatry (3rd ed.). American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

Jaeschke, R. R., Sujkowska, E., & Sowa-Kucma, M. (2021). Methylphenidate for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults: A narrative review. Psychopharmacology, 238(10), 2667–2691. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-021 05946-0

Mosher, M. A., Carreon, A. C., & Sullivan, B. J. (2022). A step-by-step process for selecting technology tools for students with ADHD. Journal of Special Education Technology, 37(2), 310-317. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162643420978570

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Vanaki, Z., & Rafiei, H. (2020). Application of Betty Neuman system theory in management of pressure injury in patients following stroke. Medsurg Nursing, 29(2), 129–133. http://www.medsurgnursing.net/

Weibel, S., Menard, O., Ionita, A., Boumendjel, M., Cabelguen, C., Kraemer, C., Micoulaud 11 Franchi, J. A., Bioulac, S., Perroud, N., Sauvaget, A., Carton, L., Gachet, M., & Lopez, R. (2020). Practical considerations for the evaluation and management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. L’Encephale, 46(1), 30–40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.encep.2019.06.005

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